The Laboratory for Clinical Genomics and Advanced Technology (CGAT) consists of the institutional biorepository, the molecular diagnostics laboratory, the genomic and proteomic translational research program and the NCCC Pathology Shared Resource.
The CGAT offers a diverse spectrum of clinical tests for the assessment of DNA and RNA within the areas of genetics, hematopathology, infectious diseases, pharmacogenomics, and oncology. CGAT also supports clinical research efforts in a CLIA licensed, CAP accredited laboratory environment. The laboratory is equipped to perform DNA/RNA extractions from various specimen types, PCR amplification, microarray analysis and next generation sequencing. Analysis of specific gene targets, panels of genes and the clinical exome are but a few of these applications. CGAT provides the infrastructure to support translational research through the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine’s Translational Research Program and NCCC Shared Resource which has advanced genomic and proteomic capabilities. CGAT also plays a leading role in the development and evaluation of advanced diagnostic and research technologies to support clinical diagnostics, clinical trials and corporate sponsored research.
CGAT is organizationally within the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine and housed on the 4th floor of the new Williamson Translational Research Building on the campus of the Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center. CGAT occupies 10,000 sq.ft. of laboratory space. The CGAT is directed by Gregory J. Tsongalis, PhD.